- Proposed by
- Manuela Guderian
- Prepared by
- Manuela Guderian
- First played in
- Categories
- game
- Values
- communication
- team-dynamics
- agile
- review
- iterative
- self-organization
Imagine, everyone thinks, that good arithmetic is important. And then we play a game that has nothing to do with arithmetic and more fun than titles. People learn a lot about themselves and agile procedures.
- Moderation cards
- Flipchart or Whiteboard
- Stickies
- Markers
- Space requirement 3x4m (mark the playing field on the ground)
- Mark Moderation Cards with the numbers 1-40
- Prepare Flipchart for planning and results
- Visualize the rules (prepare post its)
- Touch each card in the playing field one after the other in the order 1-40
- Each team member must enter the field of play at least 1x
- There may be only 1 person in the playing field at a time
- A second person may enter the field only when the first person has left the playing field
Moderator ensures compliance with the rules.
- There are 90 seconds available per game round to solve the problem
- Allow 1 minute before the 1st game round for tactical discussion and planning,
- After each round allow 1 minute for retrospective (what went well, what went well bad, change tactics?) and planning
- 3-5 game rounds
- How many cards do we touch in 90 seconds?
- When all 40 cards have been touched, start again from 1.
- Let the team plan all rounds beforehand and then take a second
- Write down on the flipchart the planning for each round, at the end the two plannings compare
Each time a player breaks the rules, have the team start over from scratch.
- What were did you observe?
- How did you feel?
- What did you learn?
- What would you do differently?
Agile works
- Planning the performance for the next step (and only those)
- Assess your own performance (planning)
- Evaluate own and team performance (review)
- Impact on the next steps (tactics / lessons learned)