- Event over
Oose Innovative Informatik eG
Schanzenviertel - Address
- Kontorhaus Montblanc, Schulterblatt 36, 1st Floor, 20357 Hamburg
- Start
- Friday, September 13 2019
- 18:30
- Finish
- Sunday, September 15 2019
- 17:00
We will start in the evening. We will learn to know each other and share a nice dinner all together. All times are approximated.
6:30 PM
Get together / Ice breakers -
7 PM
Dinner together -
8 PM
Icebreakers / Game(s) all together -
10 PM
Ending the first day
We will start in the morning with the marketplace, and then we will play games all day long. All times are approximated.
8:30 AM
Breakfast -
9 AM
Warm-ups -
9:30 AM
Marketplace -
10 AM
Serious games -
1 PM
Lunch -
2 PM
Serious games -
6 PM
Retrospective -
7 PM
Dinner / Buffet
We will also start with the marketplace for a full day of games. Whoever needs to catch a plane can leave earlier. All times are approximated.
8:30 AM
Breakfast -
9:00 AM
Warm-ups -
9:30 AM
Marketplace -
10:00 AM
Serious games -
1 PM
Lunch -
2 PM
Serious games -
4 PM
Retrospective -
5 PM
Goodbye & see you next time
Where to stay?
The following links are for your convenience, we are not affiliated with Booking.com nor AirBnB in any way
- Hotels in the area : via Booking.com
- Rooms/Appartements in the area via AirBnB
Julian Kea
Business Skills Trainer. Trained facilitator of LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®
at [ki:]®Learning
Meet some of our players (24)
Benjamin Sung Ho Wenzel
Carolin Goydke
Christian Weinert
Christoph Moser
Christoph Reinicke
Cihangir Deniz Ozdemir
Dirk Hofmann
Edward Konings
Hannes Kropf
Julian Kea
Karsten Mueller
Maike Thuy
Malte Sussdorff
Marcel Makkai
Markus Boerstling
Matthias Hochschulz
Michael Rösch
Nadja Petranovskaja
Nicole Herzlieb
Nora Dietrich
Sarah Banasiak
Susann-Christin Entrich
Wiebke Dahl
Wolf-Gideon Bleek