- Event over
De Stadstuin 20
Transwijk-Zuid - Address
- 20 Europalaan, 3526 KS Utrecht, Netherlands
- Start
- Thursday, November 11 2021
- 19:00
- Finish
- Saturday, November 13 2021
- 17:00
We will start in the evening. We will learn to know each other and share a nice time all together.
7 PM
Ice breakers & warmups -
8 PM
Drinks / Snacks / Mingle
We will start in the morning with the marketplace, and then we will play games all day long.
8:30 AM
Breakfast -
9 AM
Warm-ups -
9:30 AM
Marketplace -
10 AM
Serious games -
12:30 PM
Lunch -
1:30 PM
Serious games -
6 PM
Retrospective -
7 PM
We will also start with the marketplace for a full day of games. Whoever needs to catch a plane can leave earlier.
8:30 AM
Breakfast -
9 AM
Warm-ups -
9:30 AM
Marketplace -
10 AM
Serious games -
12:30 PM
Lunch -
1:30 PM
Serious games -
4 PM
Retrospective -
5 PM
Goodbye & see you next time
Anko Tijman
Delivering Agile results ✪ Empowering digital teams ✪ DevOps visionary ✪ Seasoned Agile trainer
Theo Geelen
Trainer Agility Health Coach Agile / Scrum Master / Kanban / SAFe / AgilityHealth
at Yellow Intelligent BV