- Proposed by
- Phillippa Rose
- Prepared by
- Elle Gundersen
- First played in
- Categories
- warmup
- Values
- multitasking
- cross-cultural-team
Wakes up your brain, shows that multitasking is not recommended.
- Large empty room
- Ask people to get into groups of 4 people
- In each group, people should form a square
- Ask for one volunteer in each group
- The person on the right of the volunteer will have to ask simple mathematical questions, With numbers less than 100
- 11 + 43
- 4 * 7
- 25 - 12
- The person on the left of the volunteer will have to ask non invasive personal questions
- What’s your favourite color ?
- Have you ever been to Japan ?
- Do you have a pet ?
- The person in front of the volunteer will do some movements and the volunteer will have to mirror the movements
- When everyone is ready, say GO
- Switch roles clockwise every 1 or 2 minutes
Whoever tells you that multitasking is a good think, just have them play that game and they’ll understand.