- Proposed by
- Karina Hermann
- Prepared by
- Cédric Pontet
- First played in
- Categories
- ice breaker
- Values
- team-building
Evolution on rock, paper, scissors. Fun, easy and just the right amount of silly.
How to play
This is a classic rock-paper-scissors game, with a nice little twist of evolution.
- All people start as eggs
- An egg hits its head shouting egg, egg, egg, egg, …
- When a egg meets another egg, they play rock, paper, scissors
- The winner evolves into a chicken
- In case of equality, they start over until there is a winner
- A chicken makes chicken noises while flapping its wings
- When a chicken meets another chicken, they play rock, paper, scissors
- The winner evolves into an elephant (because it’s the next logical thing, obviously)
- An elephant trumpets while moving its trunk
- When an elephant meets another elephant, they play rock, paper, scissors.
- The winner evolves into superman.
- As Superman cannot be vanquished, he circles the group, flying with his arm in the air.
End of the game
At the end of the game, will be left
- one egg
- one chicken
- one elephant
- and many supermen
Absolutely none, except the fun it provides 🙂