- Proposed by
- Cédric Pontet
- Prepared by
- Cédric Pontet
- First played in
- Categories
- ice breaker
- Values
- team-building
Variation on rock, paper, scissors, invented by internet pioneer Sam Kass and famously explained by Dr Sheldon Cooper.
How to play
This is a variation on the classic rock, paper, scissors. It is made a little more difficult though, by adding two more possibilities : lizard and spock.
- Scissors cut paper
- Paper covers rock
- Rock crushes lizard
- Lizard poisons Spock
- Spcok smashes scissors
- Scissors decapitate lizard
- Lizard eats paper
- Paper disproves Spock
- Spock vaporizes rock
- and as it always has, rock crushes scissors
All hail Sam Kass !